You know it when your Eemaan is on a high. You can taste the sweetness of your faith and nothing can replace that feeling.
You know it you are on a high..
When 2 ruku'u of Qur'aan seem insufficient for a single raka'ah
When you know the meaning of every word that you utter in your Salaah
When you start daydreaming about Jannah instead of whatever
When you feel pity when you see someone committing a sin
When music gets your heart turning with repulsion
When wasting time in 'time pass' seems to be so stupid
When you feel extremely calm and relieved after crying out to your Lord in your sujood
When you have no doubt whatsoever that your dua'a will be accepted
When you start to tremble in your Salaah as you realize the greatness of the One you're standing in front of
When you feel ashamed to recite The Glorious Qur'aan in your imperfect way standing in front of the One who revealed it!
When you are aware of your every second and how it passes
When you feel that the prescribed dhikr for morning and evening and everything in between is too little!!
When you sleep at 3 AM and are sure that you'll wake up at 5AM for Fajr and you actually do before your alarm goes off!
When you attend all your islamic classes even when you are ill or even if it means getting up early on weekends
When you are weary of idle talk and wince when someone starts to gossip or backbite
When you long for meeting the Prophet Sallellaahu Alaihi Wasallam. Every description that you read of him makes you cry and increases your love for him even more..
Such a beautiful feeling that you wouldn't trade for the whole world!