Wednesday, 18 July 2007


All seems well this moment and the next moment you feel that everything in your life is falling apart! You try pulling things together, clasp onto something, but only end up getting hold of thin air. Numerous people put in their best efforts to save a dying relationship, a withering friendship. Sometimes it works out; many a time, it doesn’t.
If only we could go back and amend just a single line that we said, a single word that ruined a timeless friendship!
If only once, we could turn back time and do things differently!
If only, we could apologize to a person we hurt, but have no courage to do so...
If only, we could accept our faults and work towards correcting them...
If only, we could see through people and save ourselves from getting hurt...
If only, we could elude betrayal...
If only, we could admit our failures with humility...
If only, we could become insensitive to pain!
If... If... If... It’s a very elusive two-letter word...



  2. Went through your posts,Ifrah.
    FAB was the only word I could utter throughout!
